We regretfully inform our members of the death of IAEE President Professor Leonardo De Castro, who has been a great inspiration and encourager of global bioethics.
Dr. De Castri chaired the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board and served on the National Bioethics Advisory Committee and the National Transplant Ethics Committee. Dr. De Castro represented the Philippines in the UNESCO Inter-Governmental Bioethics Committee and was a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore, Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Bioethics Review, President of the Asian Bioethics Association, Vice-Chair of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee, Vice-Chair of the Forum for Ethics Review Committees in Asia and the Pacific, and a Bioethics Consultant to the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the European Union and the European Commission.
We express our deepest sympathy to Dr. De Castro’s family, friends, and colleagues.
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