




ECEN European Summer School on Clinical Ethics Support Services

Presented by the European Clinical Ethics Network (ECEN) | August 26 – September 1, 2018 | Borca di Cadore, Italy

The European Clinical Ethics Network (ECEN), established in 2005, consists of a European Network of clinical ethics experts who are experienced in practice, research, and training within the field of clinical ethics support services (such as clinical ethics committees, clinical ethics consultations, and moral deliberation). One of its aims is to further improve the quality and professional competence of the experts involved in Clinical Ethics Support Services (CESS) in Europe.

ECEN hereby offers a high quality and intensive European Summer School aimed at developing and improving professional practice for people already active in clinical ethics committees, consultations services and/or moral deliberation. The focus of the training during the ECEN Summer School is to develop a solid ground for clinical ethics activities by improving an existing CESS program in health care institutions or creating new CESS. A variety of possible views, methods, and approaches to clinical ethics support will be presented to both clinical ethics consultants, facilitators in moral case deliberation, and members of clinical ethics committees. This variety of approaches will allow every participant of the ECEN Summer school to further develop his/her own expertise that suits any particular national or institutional context.

Through its European character, the course’s intent is to offer more than the existing expertise and activities on the national level. Comparative perspectives will get presented, such as: the relationship between CESS and their core foundations (e.g. justification, legislation, ethics expertise), the identification of common reasons for CESS existence, its role, and difficulties and resistances to its development or implementation. Furthermore, the Summer school will deal with specific issues newly emerging in clinical practices (e.g. elderly patients, multiculturalism, role of patient and family). Finally, this summer school is not just a one‐way teaching course: participants will be invited to bring in their own experience and expertise as well. Different teaching tools will be utilized (e.g. lectures, workshops, subgroup discussions, structured case deliberations).

The ECEN Summer School will be a good occasion to stimulate exchanges and future cooperation among European colleagues. The last section of the Summer school will be a joint meeting with all ECEN members. It will thereby contribute to another aim of ECEN: to share experiences and stimulate critical reflection on the field of Clinical Ethics Support Services in order to contribute to its professional quality.

More information about the ECEN Summer School, including registration information, is available here.

The Summer School programme of events is available here.


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